Bibliographical Resources and Community Based Research Listing
Barragan, Jackeline. Hispanic Immigrant Women in Toronto's Labour Market.
Diss. University of Toronto. 2001
Benitez, Mariana Elizabeth. Physical and/or Developmental Disability in Spanish Speaking Families: A Systemic Approach to Therapy.
Diss. University of Toronto. 1996.
Carrillos, Luis and Alan Simmons. Home and Heart: Identity Politics Among Latino Youths in Toronto. Conference Paper.
York university, 1999.
Carrillos, Luis. To See Them Talk is to Hear their Walk.
Diss. George Brown College. 2000.
Carrillos, Luis et al. How to...Handbook. Toronto,
Hispanic Development Council, 2003.
Chaterjee, Alina et al. Alternative Social Planning: A Paradigm Shift Developing an Inclusive, Healthy Toronto.
Alternative Planning Group. Toronto, 2004
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Christie, Nancy Lynne. Graffiti: What you Know is what you Read.
Diss. Mount Saint Vincent university, 1999.
Cooke, Diana. Colours and Rags: Hispanic Youth Gangs in Toronto.
Diss. York University, 2000.
Kainer, Mary, et al. Responding to Diversity, Phase 1.
Willow Breast Cancer Support and Resource Services, 1999. (Report)
Kainer, M. Miloslavich C. and Ramos, D. Responding to Diversity,
Phase 2.
Willow Breast Cancer Support and Resource Services and the Hispanic Development Council, 2000. (Report)
Lozano, Herbert S. The Hispanic Community in Metropolitan Toronto: A Needs Study.
Independent Paper, 1992.
Maglione, Esther, et al. The Needs of the Latin American Women and Youth.
Latin American Community Centre. 1983. (Report)
Mata, Fernando G. The Latin American Immigration to Canada (1946-81): Figures and Features from the Official Statistics.
Diss. York University, 1983.
Mata, Fernando G. Spanish Speaking Communities in Canada: A Socio Demographic Interpretation.
Speech Given to the Hispanic Development Council, Conference on Building Sustainable Services, June 4, 1999.
McGregor, Kamla Ross. Popular Latin American Music and Dance: Issues of Pan-Latin Identity in Toronto.
Diss. York Uniniversity, 2002.
Millones, Oscar & Carmen Miroslavich. Need Assesment Women's Health in the Hispanic community in Toronto.
Hispanic Development Council, Cancer Care Ontario, Toronto Hospital, Women's Health Program & Ontarion Cervical Screening Collaborative Group, 1999.
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Millones, Oscar, et al. Needs Assessment of the Hispanic Community of Metropolitan Toronto. Employment and Immigration Canada Immigrant Settlement and adaptation Program, 1994. (Report)
Miloslavich-Vera, Carmen. Building Sustainable Services and Strengthening the Hispanic Community Beyond the Year 2000.
Hispanic Development Council, 1999. (Conference Report)
Miloslavich-Vera, Carmen. Breast Screening Pilot Program for Hispanic Women in Toronto and Follow-Up of Women who were screened at OBSP Centres.
Hispanic Development Council, 1999.
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Poteet, Morgan. Cultural Identity and Identity Performance among Latin American Youths in Toronto.
Diss. York University, 2002.
Poteet, Morgan. Identities Among Latin American and Caribbean Immigrants in Toronto.
Diss. York University, 2000.
Ramos, D,. et al. Re-visioning the Newcomer Settlement Support System. Chinese Canadian National Council, Toronto Chapter; Council for Agencies Serving South Asians; Multicultural Coalition for Access to Family Services; Community SocialPlanning Council of Toronto, Hispanic Development Council, 2000. (Report)
Ramos, Duberlis et al. Driving Social Inclusion: Turning on a Paradigm. Alternative Planning Group. Toronto, 2004
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Reilly-King, Patricia. Turning Goals into Reality: Immigrant Women, English, Employment and Building Lives in Canada.
Diss. University of Toronto, 2002.
Rockhill, Kathleen and Patricia Tomic. Accessing ESL: An Exploration into the Effects of Institutionalized Racism and Sexism in Shaping the Lives of Latin American Immigrant and Refugee Women in Metropolitan Toronto.
Diss. Inst. year
Rodas, Rene E. History of the Hispanic Community in Ontario: No More Children of a Postponed Dream.
Hispanic Development Council, 1993. (Report)
Rojas, A., et al. Latin Americans in North York. Latin American Community Centre. 1980. (Report)
Rojas, Raul. Latin American Immigrants in Toronto IMPACT Toronto, 1978. (Report)
Rosenberg, Ruth, et al. Socio-Economic Profile: Needs and Gaps of the Hispanic Community in Metropolitan Toronto. Hispanic Development Council, 1983. (Report)
Sale, Guillermo, et al. Feasibility Study: Credit Union for the Spanish Speaking Community in Metropolitan Toronto.
Hispanic Development Council-Somos, 1995. (Report)
San-Pedro, Jose, Comp. Latin-American Connections: Toronto Wide Directory of Spanish Speaking Professionals in the Mental Health/Social Services Fields.
Mental Health Services, 1997.
Santinoli, Ana Maria. Family Violence in the Spanish Speaking Community. Hispanic Development Council. 1991. (Conference Report)
Scaron, Nora, Adapt. Abuso Sexual Infantil: Una Guia para Adolescentes, Padres y Responsables, 1997.
Smith-Castillo, Maria A. La Tercera Edad: Needs Assessment of the Spanish Speaking Seniors in Metropolitan Toronto.
Hispanic Development Council, 1993. (Report)
Tang, Chung et al. Re-Defining the Urban Planning Agenda: A Joint Alternative Community Perspective.
Alternative Planning Group. Toronto, 2003
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Torres, M. Gabriela. Constructing Youth Cultures in Toronto: The Use of Lived Experience with Violence in the Production of New Identities in a Canadian Space.
Conference Paper. Laval University, 1999.
Viswanathan, Leela et al. Social Inclusion and the City: Considerations for Social Planning. Alternative Planning Group. Toronto, 2003.
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